SEPA EIS Process


Make your voice heard!

The City of Des Moines is currently in the process of looking at the Public Comments from the Virtual Public Scoping Meeting and the Public Comments by Email on their SEPA EIS webpage. They will look over the environmental impacts and issue a Draft EIS. This could take 12-24 months from August 25th, 2022.

Virtual Public Scoping Meeting:

An online Zoom meeting was held on Monday, August 15th, 2022, at 6 PM where members of the public commented in-person by Zoom on their thoughts about proposed demolition of Landmark on the Sound

Here was the link to pre-register for that meeting:

Public Comments by Email:

If you were not able to attend the Virtual Meeting, some members of the public sent their comments in by email up to

4:30 PM on Thursday, August 25th, 2022 at this link:

Environmental Checklist for EIS by Zenith Properties LLC

Here is a copy of the initial Environmental Checklist for the EIS filed by Zenith Properties LLC. We think it leaves many important items out, including what they plan to build there, hazardous pollution and noise that would affect the surrounding neighborhood, including the retirement home of Judson Park which has a critical nursing care building right next to Landmark on the Sound, underground aquifers beneath the property, 100+ year old growth trees, wildlife including threatened species like bald eagles, and migratory birds like Canadian Geese, the recreation it provided to the community in the form of the gardens, places to walk and picnic on the lawn, and nature trails outback. Take a look, you can reference this environmental checklist when making comments for the SEPA EIS process.

Environmental Checklist EIS filed by Zenith Properties LLC:

City of Des Moines SEPA EIS page for Landmark on the Sound:

Background of SEPA EIS Process

In May 2022, the city opened a 30-day scoping period to accept public comment on

alternatives, adverse impacts, suggested mitigation measures and more. That period

closed on June 3rd, 2022.

However, due to an error in the way the original Determination of Significance/scoping

period was communicated, the City of Des Moines realized that the entire process had

to be redone. So the notice (of Determination of Significance, scoping comment period

and public scoping meeting) was REissued - in July. That is why we had until August 25th, 2022 to comment.